Thursday, November 4, 2010

Applying to make money for Mommy

Have you ever actually read some of the blogs that you all entre card drop?  Some of them are so funny, but some of them seem really creative, and then you have the stay at home Moms that complain, or boast about how they are perfectly content with themselves. Whatever wife lectures the violent baffle.  Crazy, right?  When I read some of the blogs, I get good ideas of what people are, and I enjoy trying to figure people out by what they portray to the world... although, blogging is a way for some people to use as a violent outlet, some use it as a personal diary of hidden feelings of pain or happiness or both, and the rest of us just love sharing our blessings with others.  Oh, and I absolutely love the people who have the blogs of personal art and humor. 
No matter what we rant about, we are all in this blogging world together, and I think it is pretty fun and cool.  I enjoy trying to write and pull old creativity from the back of my mind.  Every time I sit down to blog, I get to use my imagination, and that is good for everyone in this world.  If you have kids, using your imagination allows you to be able to interact with them even more on their level, and actually understand exactly what is going through their sweet little minds.
Oh, and I like with recipe blogs, but they are very unoriginal.  Unless they are personal recipes.  It is cool though, because it does give me a couple of new dinner ideas, but I usually just look on the internet.

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