I just found BLOGGING!!! Yeay and awesome! If all things turn out right, in 30 days, I can start making money from home, by doing just this...blogging. I am a mother and wife. I am so blessed to be able to stay home, but my all loving and wonderful husband would love it if I could make a little money. So, like most of you out there, I am embarking on this crazy net journey of working on a computer by typing whatever I want. Of course, there will be much discretion and most of every post will be completely appropriate for every age. Well, onward. I will diary all of my progress on how I have learned and what I have been taught about the shortcuts to make money while blogging. That way, anyone who reads this can have the same opportunity. And for all of you that have already figured it out.....just sshhhhh....you don't have to read my diary, but quit thinking this is retarded, because it's not! I am just actually helping people by giving them the tools to genuinely make easy money. Plus, it's about time someone actually gave a little guide! It will be tough, but I am up to the task!!! Here we go.
Day 1: I was told to go to this website to simply create a blog by making a FREE account. http://www.blogging.com/
Day 2: I found out that there is an insane amount of work to blogging, but once it gets started, it will be easier to maintain, but you have to blog EVERY single day at least once. I was given the sites that I needed and I visited them to figure out exactly how to make money. Most of what I found was that you need to have your blog open for at least 30 days and at least have 30 posts. Then, I am gonna go back to the sites at that time and sign up for a membership....which is free from what I know. A couple of the sites I found are:
Well, that is all I know about, but please add any new links to me in my chat box! Thanks for the blogtime! Oh, one quick thing....ALWAYS read all the "terms and conditions" when signing up for any website. It will save you rejection, hopefully. And a lot of trouble. Who needs more of that in their life, right?
Now, maybe all of this will turn out to be a big pile of poo, but let's just hope not, because I am so excited to blog my way to a little cash flow.
Sweet Dreams,
Mommy Dearest
xxx (those are hugs, and only hugs. sorry, i don't kiss strangers.)
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