Monday, October 25, 2010

Day Dreaming

Who doesn't day dream about stuff?  I keep thinking that I am going to actually have everything work out for us regarding this house, but things are really slowing down.  It is starting to worry me a little bit, but never the less, I keep thinking about how I am going to be able to decorate with our existing furniture and barely any money for appliances....I'm sure I will figure it out, but I really want to make some money some how so that I can at least buy a few area rugs.  Oh, and slipcovers for our really beat up, grass-green couches.  Our son's birthday is just around the corner also, and yesterday, he actually asked me for a specific birthday present.  He would like a BIG Buzz Light Year.  Not a little one, but a BIG one.  Did you know that the cheapest BIG Buzz is $50!!!  I am definitely gonna have to wait until Black Friday for that one!  I am also reconsidering the title of my blog, because I seem to have a niche for blogging about the beautiful joys of my everyday life.  It works for me, so whatever.

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