Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

Happy Cuteness!  Wow, our daughter was soooooooo extra adorable tonight!  And my husband....frickin' hilarious!  I am living the life for sure!  I am always able to laugh and smile around my family.  My husband makes all  my dreams come true, and my children and my husband make me smile.  I am so fortunate.  We took Zoi trick-or-treating in the "hopefully our neighborhood" this year, and everyone was so nice and cool.  I really hope to get this house!  Not to sound boastful or anything, but we really deserve it, plus we would be the super coolest neighbors on the block!  Apparently, all of the neighborhood kids love me, no matter where we go.  I guess that's pretty awesome...for all the other neighborhood parents.  Where is my break people?  How is it fair that I have to wait until my husband gets home?  Come on now!  Well, we got some really good candy this year, and FINALLY, we didn't get candy corn!!! 
Awesomeness!  I like my life a lot, but I will definitely love it once we are living in our house (mainly because I won't have to live without the "finer" things in life with my husband).  Why do so many people take that for granted.  Whatever, it's not Thanksgiving for some of you out there, so I won't get into it, but I am thankful for "that" any time, and all the time!  

Mommy Dearest

Friday, October 29, 2010

Another Day As A Stay At Home Mommy

So, I was listening to the radio this evening, and they just happened to be talking about how stay-at-home Moms should be given way more recognition than they actually receive....I agree.  Did you know that some people think it is so easy to stay at home with the kids, and that we don't actually do anything.  Well, maybe we shouldn't, ya know????  Then, just take pictures and leave them on our blog.  At least I think it would be hilarious, but I could never do that to my husband, because he actually knows how difficult it is and thanks me daily for doing it!  He's had a taste of what it's like, because I used to work nights.  He even thanked me THEN!  How fortunate am I?  I am so thankful for my husband.  That's pretty much all I have to say after my day today.

Good Night,

Mommy Dearest

Our Adventure Today

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day with the kids

Today was a relatively good day, except our son was a total stinker pants!  I picked him up from school, and then it began!  All day, nothing but wining and crabbiness;even after he got disciplined.  My daughter just kept looking at him like, "Really Bro?"  She has a tendency to do that any time he acts out or wines.  She typically doesn't do that though, so maybe that's why.  Anyway, today was the day that I promised the neighborhood girls that I would take them to the mall.  It was fun, and I really enjoy doing stuff like this with them, because I feel like I am a positive example in their lives.  They have been through so much in their lives, but it makes me happy to see them have no worries for a while.  All the kids in the neighborhood are on Fall Break this week.  I never remember having Fall Break, or Winter Break, or even New Year Break!  What is up with that crap?!  Not only is that unjust and not fair, but that completely explains the low scores and low ratings for all the schools in our area.
For all of you other Stay At Home Moms out there, I had a HORRIBLE day today with my son, and my "friend's" dog, and my "friend", and her frickin toilet paper rolls, and my cat, so I am a little pissy tonight.  I am just ready to go to bed and not wake up.  But we all know that we have to, because who else will take care of EVERYTHING, right?

Better Hope for Tomorrow,

Mommy Dearest

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Why Not?!?

I really can't believe that there aren't really that many costumes to select from for infants!  Technically, Zoi is 3T, but we only saw a few different costumes to choose from for her to be for Halloween!  She is only 1 year old, highly intelligent, and very personable, but why does she have to suffer because there isn't a Halloween costume in her size that is cute?  We didn't even find any that were relevantly like her personality!  I just wanted to find a dinosaur...that's it!!! She loves to be really vocal, and do this RARARARARARARAHHHHHH thing, and it makes me think of her as "ZOIZILLA," and nobody had a Godzilla costume!  Why not!?!  So, I think we are just gonna put make-up on her face, give her a bucket, and make people give her candy.  Plain and simple.  That was our "adventure" for the day.  I am the mom that always takes my kids on "adventures" so that they will be willing to run errands with me, and they know that they will get something out of it...something I never had as a kid.  Man, life was rough when we were kids, huh?  But, it didn't have to be, and it doesn't have to be, and it won't be for my kids.  Their life will be fun and awesome!  And full of life lessons, that they will hate, and teachings of responsibility!
By the way, "ZOIZILLA" is our daughter's nickname, so don't even try to steal it, people!
But, my life isn't a bowl of cherries you know, because while we were at the T-Mobile store, Zoi saw a PSP and started looking for her big brother!  And yes, this is one of the few days of the week that we don't have Konnar, and it totally SUCKS!  She kept saying Bubba, Bubba.  It was so cute and so very sad all at the same time!

Yep, Still Mommy Dearest!!
xxxxx (I'm feeling generous today)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Have you ever felt under appreciated???  I do...daily, but not by my children or husband, but by others.  People that you try so hard to please and sacrifice for, but you would rather be beat to a pulp instead.  No matter what you do or say, you know that it's wrong.  I would much rather be a nun or something and live in total silence and solemn peace.  Well, I feel like that a lot!  I never thought I was selfish or anything, but certain people in my life make me feel that way.  I am so tired of those people, and I need to find the inner strength daily, just to make it.  I am frickin sick, and tired!!!  We all definitely have days like that, so I don't feel alone by any means, but I just can't wait until my life is a little more peaceful and quiet.  I totally need a mommy day out, but that will not happen any time soon.  Too many things to do and deal with right now.  I used to have a best friend, even, but not any more.  I don't know what she is, ya know...  I love having my kids around, because they always give me something to smile about, even in the hard times.
Warmest Regards,

Mommy Dearest

(P. S. Now, it's been a hard day emotionally, obviously, so I'm gonna go to the freezer to "chill out".)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Day Dreaming

Who doesn't day dream about stuff?  I keep thinking that I am going to actually have everything work out for us regarding this house, but things are really slowing down.  It is starting to worry me a little bit, but never the less, I keep thinking about how I am going to be able to decorate with our existing furniture and barely any money for appliances....I'm sure I will figure it out, but I really want to make some money some how so that I can at least buy a few area rugs.  Oh, and slipcovers for our really beat up, grass-green couches.  Our son's birthday is just around the corner also, and yesterday, he actually asked me for a specific birthday present.  He would like a BIG Buzz Light Year.  Not a little one, but a BIG one.  Did you know that the cheapest BIG Buzz is $50!!!  I am definitely gonna have to wait until Black Friday for that one!  I am also reconsidering the title of my blog, because I seem to have a niche for blogging about the beautiful joys of my everyday life.  It works for me, so whatever.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Tea Factory

I was recently thinking about going to explore the Celestial Seasonings factory in Boulder, CO.  I am a huge tea drinker over coffee now- although an occasional cup is really nice- and I thought about how my friend suggested going to the factory.  The Christmas teas that Celestial Seasonings comes out with are so yummy!  They have one called Candy Cane Lane, which taste like a really delicious candy cane with a sweeter taste, compared to a normal candy cane.  Another one of my favorites is the Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride.  Very good all year round, so of course, I bought all the boxes that the store had, so that I could enjoy my favorite teas year round!  Call me crazy, but we all have our quarks, and that is now mine!  My husband practically told me to buy the display, and now that I think about it, I should have, because I would have been able to organize the boxes better. 
Another thing that I really enjoy about the company is that they are local for me, as well as they are taking part in the global "green" movement!  Their tea bags don't have the strings and paper attached to it, which is really smart for the environment.  Plus, my kids can 't just take it out of my cup and destroy the tea bag all over the carpet as easily...long story.  It just doesn't look like tea when it's on the floor, and you don't see the bag.  The only downside to drinking tea is that I don't get a pick-me-up, that I could really use about 10 different times in my day!  I have been struggling from chronic fatigue for about 8 months now, and I can't seem to get anything to help me lately.  But, that is all for another blog.  Go pick up some of the yummy tea and try it yourself, and I will go tour the factory!  The tour is free, but we will just pay for the gas to get there.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Fun Time with Family

My husband and I have searched high and low for a pumpkin patch, so that we could take the kids this weekend, but we can't find one!  We will have to wait a week, because the only one that I have found is not until the 30th.  It sounded like so much fun, and I can't wait until we get to go!  I have never been to one myself, so I am looking forward to getting to go on a hay ride with the kids and my husband for the first time!  My husband is highly allergic to hay, but he can't wait either.  We bought a 100ct Benadryl today, just so that he could go with us!  Isn't that amazing?!  I know how fortunate I am, and I thank the Lord every day! It will be quite the site to see at the pumpkin patch....the kids picking out a pumpkin, and looking so adorable on the hay ride.  I will take pictures, of course, and post for all to see!

Mommy Dearest!

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Today was a completely grueling day with the kids, and having excess responsibilities. So, I have not much to blog about.  I am gonna have no choice but to go to sleep right now!  Hope all is well with everyone.  Good night!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Cutest Thing

I saw one of the cutest things today.  Our one year old daughter walked the dog all by herself!  It was so so cute, and she wouldn't let me take the leash from her.  She was very serious about what she was doing, that's for sure.  Children are so adorable when they are small.  I guess that every age has its own special moments.  Our son always gives us a huge hug every week, when he comes over, and tells us that he loves us and that we are his favorite!  It melts my heart every time.  I love being a mommy, and it is so rewarding every day.

I have a saver tip for all of you that don't already implement!  I saved another $20 at the grocery store yesterday, and my bill only ended up being just under $40!  Don't forget to clip your Sunday paper coupons every week before you go to the store.  If you don't already get the Sunday paper, it only costs about $3.50 a month!!!  Great deal!  It pays for itself with all the savings you can get each time you go to the store.  The kids were also so good at the store, so I decided to get them each a little toy.  See how awesome!  They love cars, and I love how inexpensive they are and saving money.

Mommy Dearest

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Making Money Online

Today, I found a survey website that is really easy to become a member of, and you are suppose to make money off of it.  I decided to join, for free, so I will tell you all what becomes of it....unless I win the $10,000, of course!  Although, I will tell you if I get anything small from it.  Check it out for yourselves!  The company is called neilson digital voice.  Pretty much the only thing I have had to do so for, besides signing up, is let them know who is using the computer each time I get online.  Super easy.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Lots of Calls and Sacrifices to Make

Today, I made a lot of calls for a home inspector, appraiser, and plumber.  Who knew there was so much involved in buying a house?!  And, all of this is going to take place on Wednesday.  Well, I didn't have any butterflies until today, about this house....very nerve wracking.  Now, I am praying and crossing my fingers that it passes inspection, and that all goes well with the appraisal.  We are really excited about all that we have learned about the home buying process, but it is definitely very financially terrifying!  You are responsible for paying all of the people I mentioned in the beginning of this blog.... and it isn't cheap!  The fees start at $200!! And, all the fees were unexpected.  We were trying really hard to save for a washer and dryer.  Now, we have to figure out how to pay for ALL the appliances, paint, paint supplies, and these fees.  It is a huge buzz kill!  We are just hoping for the best, and we are very thankful that we already have beds for the kids and some furniture.  All the other stuff can wait if it has to.  We have worked so hard for this, so we are willing to just make sure we can get into the house.  It really stinks only having one income.  The truth is, that I got laid off of my job a couple months ago; I don't know what we are gonna do.  I know I'm not the only one in this boat, so I definitely pray for everyone in this world that shares my situation.  We all just have to stay positive.  I am a CNA, and for those of you that don't know what that is, I work with the nurses in a hospital.  I am the person that comes in to get your vitals, I will help you get your ice water, I give you a sponge bath, or I just help you with whatever you need help with.  But, I do this for 15-20 myself!  My job is NOT easy, and for anyone else that thinks it is, try it yourself!  I respect every profession out there, so please respect mine!  I also do all the dirty work.  And, best of all, I love it, because I get to help people; and at the end of the day, it is really wonderful.  I have been doing this for 13 years.  I have tried to go back to school, but family matters have come up.  And, after the place I just worked for, I have had a change of heart about the nursing profession.  I have been able to stay home and take care of our children, and it is so rewarding!  I use to work nights, so I would be so tired and not able to play with them except for a few minutes at a time, but now, I can take them to the park and play a whole game of baseball.  I am blessed!  Now, I am also able to be more involved with my church, which I love to be a part of.  It is so good for the soul.  My husband told me to just not worry anymore, and just enjoy every second of every day.  So, I do.  Living on one income doesn't give much flexibility, but it is soooo worth it!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Life with only seeing one child 50% of the time

I wasn't sure whether I would talk about my personal life or not, but I decided that it was a good time to do it.  My heart is just so broken.  We only get to have our son 50% of the week, because he goes to my ex's mom's house the other half of the week!  Yes, I said his mom's house.  He doesn't have his own place, and he told me that he doesn't plan on it, either.  Tell me how that makes sense.  I hurt every day that our son is gone, and it is just getting worse as time goes on.  My husband has been in Konnar's life since he was a baby, so, YES, he is his daddy!  Jene is an amazing Father, and he has so much fun with our children.  He wrestles with them when I can't, and teaches them about anything and everything.  Although, my husband and I did just get our house, so we are going to take one more legal step once we are moved in.  How is it that my ex is getting so much from the legal system, but I get completely shafted by an attorney that didn't care!!!  She got over 3k dollars, and we only get to see our son about 30% of the year, after you calculate the holiday schedule, which is bogus!  Please, if there is any one out there that can help me, HELP!  This situation is so heart wrenching and frustrating.  I'm gonna go with what my husband says and just stay strong, until we get into our new home.  Then we have to find an Attorney ad Litem for our son.  We both want his other dad to be a part of his life, but only for a healthy amount of time.  Every time we pick Konnar up, he has learned an unhealthy habit.  I work so hard to make sure my kids are taken care of physically, mentally, dentally, and emotionally.  We both work hard to be responsible adults and teach our children good things, and we will never stop.  No matter what happens, I will keep praying that we protect our children from harm and make sure that they don't get hurt.  I think about how Konnar feels every day, and what he feels.  I know he loves all of us, but what am I suppose to do?  Just pray...God has always provided for us, and I just pray that He will continue to be with Konnar when he is not with us.  I know that I probably sound selfish, but no matter how hard I try, my ex will NOT grow up!  He refuses to act like an adult, nor does he ever make a decision without his mother.  It is endlessly frustrating and heart breaking.  As you all might have guessed, I had to surrender Konnar today.  Yes, that was the onset for this blog.  Thank you all for reading....

Heartfelt Regards,

Mommy Dearest

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Free Day at the Convention Center

Today, I took the kids and my nephew to the Rock n' Roll Health Fair at the Convention Center in Downtown Denver.  Admission was FREE for everyone, along with about 50, or more, samples!!  A couple of booths even gave all of us a reusable bag for FREE.  We had a blast, and the best part of it was that the kids got to choose how we got to downtown.  I let them choose whether we drove (which costs the gas to get there and parking), or got to ride the bus and light rail train.  They chose the bus and train!  It was a lot of fun with the kids, and I got the benefit of the inexpensive day of fun!  The event was all about health, organic products, and running...all of my favorite things, except I haven't actually gotten to run but a couple times in about 2 years.  I know, shame on me, right?  That is the one big thing that I haven't figured out to do with having kids.  I can't figure out how to fit in exercise in my day.  If I get up early, I will be even more tired all day, and I don't know if I can even get out of bed, because I'm so exhausted!!  I guess that if I really want it, I will be determined enough to do it.  I want a personal, Nazi trainer. Anyway, the one huge thing that was hard on me today, was that my husband had to work.  He is my best friend and I miss him every second we aren't together.  It is so hard to actually get to do certain types of events, so instead of it being a "Family fun Day", it is a day with just the kids.  I love doing everything with my children so much, but it is always even more fun with my husband. 

So, one thing that I have learned is to check out the websites for major event centers and news stations in your area. Usually, there is an Event tab on the websites and it will list all the things that are happening.  Thank you to all of my fellow bloggers!!! You are all on my cool list!

Good Night and Sweet Dreams,

Mommy Dearest  xx

Friday, October 15, 2010

Fun Day with the Kids after the Good News

Today I got to have a blast with my kids, and my nephew!  We had a couple of appointments to go to, but when we were finished, we went to Sam's Club.  I let the kids ride one of the automatic carts, and they just had an absolute blast!  Usually, under normal circumstances, I would not let them do that, but I decided that because they were soooo good today, it would be the best fun for them.  Then, we got our four cases of water and ate.  If you've never been to Costco or Sam's Club, and you have more than two mouths to feed, then you are missing out on incredible savings!  I also went to Wal-Mart,  took my coupons, and saved $20.  My average savings with coupons and competitor ads is about $50 a trip.  I am officially the coupon Princess!!!...Grandma still trumps me any day!  That woman has her house packed with food for a village and she got it all on sale.  Isn't it amazing what we can learn from our elders?  I love you Grandma California...we miss you!!!
So, now for the good news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  We got our house!  Even though we still have the grueling process of the inspection and all the repairs to go, I am so thankful to God for blessing us with just the right home.  We have waited for so long for this moment, but I can definitely say that it was worth it!  We are suppose to close in 33 days, so now the countdown begins.  Now I have to pray in the workers to help with the demolition and repairs.  Also, that God will allow for this company to hire me, so that I can still work from home.  I really love this blogging thing, and I have to say that I never thought I would be a good stay at home mom, but I love every second of it!

 Two out of the three loves of my life!!!

Mommy Dearest

Thursday, October 14, 2010

A House

We FINALLY got a house today!!!!  Or, maybe I should say that the bank accepted the offer that they gave us, except we made them eat the closing costs.  We have been through hell and high waters to get a house for our little family, but I can finally say that it was all worth it!  I know I am not the only one in this world that has been a hard working person, but I have been working since I was 13.  Everything that we own, we have worked very hard for.  I wish, in my dreams, that one day, I will be on the Ellen show or something and someone will give me some kind of selfless award, but the reality of my situation is that my husband told me that I am an amazing mother the other night when I was getting my kids ready for bed.  He looked at me with such amazement and made me feel so awesome!  That is the best kind of appreciation...just as amazing as any kind of award. Yes, I have something with my relationship that not many people in this world get to have (even people that REALLY deserve it), but I am so thankful for it, and everything I have.  I am at peace in my heart and thank God for our love and all that he has blessed us with....amen.

Mommy Dearest
xxx   (Sorry, I still don't kiss strangers)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My day today

Another site that I came across for making money with your blog:


Please comment on more sites that you all know of so we can all share the wealth. Thanx =)

I haven't been able to blog for a few days, because my family had the flu.  Everyone: get your flu shot!!!  It felt like a near death experience.  Absolutely horrible, I tell you!  Please keep reading and following my blog!  I added the new Cookie Lee Jewelry link over on the right side so that all of you fellow followers can get the perfect accessory for the lady in your life!  I have been wearing this jewelry for years, and I love it.  You are helping me make a little cash while making that lucky person feel really good.

Adventures in Colorado... on a Budget!

 So, for all of you out there that haven't discovered geocaching, it is a free and really fun hide-and-seek adventure for the whole family, or just for a couple of friends.  Click on the link to get in on the fun, and keep track of all of the caches you have found and create one of your own!  My goal is to blog about free things to do in Colorado, or adventures on a budget!  We are a family of four and it is so expensive to take the kids just to the zoo, but I am determined to find all the many things to do for fun with little or no money in this adventure-driven state!  I want my kids to get there heads outside and away from all the electronics and create memories together with their family!  I am also not a huge fan of all the crowded "free" days at certain places, but free is free. 



Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My Blogging Journey

I just found BLOGGING!!! Yeay and awesome!  If all things turn out right, in 30 days, I can start making money from home, by doing just this...blogging.  I am a mother and wife.  I am so blessed to be able to stay home, but my all loving and wonderful husband would love it if I could make a little money.  So, like most of you out there, I am embarking on this crazy net journey of working on a computer by typing whatever I want. Of course, there will be much discretion and most of every post will be completely appropriate for every age.  Well, onward.  I will diary all of my progress on how I have learned and what I have been taught about the shortcuts to make money while blogging.  That way, anyone who reads this can have the same opportunity.  And for all of you that have already figured it out.....just don't have to read my diary, but quit thinking this is retarded, because it's not!  I am just actually helping people by giving them the tools to genuinely make easy money.  Plus, it's about time someone actually gave a little guide!  It will be tough, but I am up to the task!!!  Here we go.

Day 1: I was told to go to this website to simply create a blog by making a FREE account.

Day 2:  I found out that there is an insane amount of work to blogging, but once it gets started, it will be easier to maintain, but you have to blog EVERY single day at least once.  I was given the sites that I needed and I visited them to figure out exactly how to make money. Most of what I found was that you need to have your blog open for at least 30 days and at least have 30 posts.  Then, I am gonna go back to the sites at that time and sign up for a membership....which is free from what I know. A couple of the sites I found are:
Well, that is all I know about, but please add any new links to me in my chat box!  Thanks for the blogtime! Oh, one quick thing....ALWAYS read all the "terms and conditions" when signing up for any website.  It will save you rejection, hopefully.  And a lot of trouble.  Who needs more of that in their life, right?
Now, maybe all of this will turn out to be a big pile of poo, but let's just hope not, because I am so excited to blog my way to a little cash flow.

Sweet Dreams,

Mommy Dearest
xxx (those are hugs, and only hugs. sorry, i don't kiss strangers.)