Saturday, December 25, 2010
A Very, Merry Christmas!!
My favorite part of all is that we got to see my family today. Things have always been kind of really rocky in the past, but now they get to have the chance to know me, and I am going to do everything in my power to have a wonderful relationship with them. Family, friends, and fellowship are the reasons for the season. Cherish every moment and savor each day!
May God bless everyone this holiday,
Mommy Dearest
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Pier 1
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Pier 1 Imports. All opinions are 100% mine.
I have always loved Pier 1! They have something for every budget, and no matter when you shop, they always have extremely fashionable products that always stay in style. I looked through the web site and store this holiday season, and they have some of the prettiest stuff. I definitely think that some of the "must haves" for this holiday season would be the holiday dinner ware! You may choose one theme or mix and match from several themes they have to offer. They have candy cane bowls, a candy cane-shaped dip bowl with a spreader, an adorable Tartan Ruffle Apron that is so perfect for entertaining, a Mrs. Clause Apron, and everything else for the table and household decorating. My favorite things that are going to be on my wish list are the Tartan Ruffle Apron, Snowball Spoon Rest, and some new kitchen towels that match the Christmas Holiday coming up. I have always had a very contemporary/modern style for my home, and with all of the prices at such reasonable levels, I can afford to buy my favorite things from Pier 1. If I had to choose one thing to represent my style that is for sale at Pier 1, it would be the Mirrors and Circles wall decor. It's perfect for any room in my house, and not only is it pretty decor, but it has function; I love it! Oh, and another really cool thing is that for the months of November/December, we can all help Pier 1 out by supporting the Toys for Tots campaign this holiday season by dropping off unwrapped toys or making a cash donation at the store register. Who doesn't want to spread holiday cheer, right? I am also going to be joining Pier 1 on Facebook, because I found out that for every new fan that they get, they will donate $1 to Toys for Tots. So, please go join so they can donate!!! The holiday season can be so much brighter if we can put smiles on all of the little peoples faces this Christmas! After all, when I see my children light up with so much joy from getting a new gift, it makes me want the whole world to see the same thing. I've taken the liberty to include a couple pictures of the mentioned items below, even if they're not your style you could consider them for holiday gifts.
Baby Formula: Store Brand or Name Brand
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of PBM Products. All opinions are 100% mine.
It seems as though certain formulas, such as Similac and Enfamil, cost so much more than the leading store brand formula. Why is this? Well, we can contribute this all to heavy advertising and marketing costs. When major companies spend money on those things, there is not much room for consumers to save that money in their pockets. Most of the Moms of today are trying to do their best to save money, while making sure their children are getting all the proper nutrients that is required for the family. Come to find out, there is nothing different about the store brand formula compared to the brand name formula, nutritionally. The FDA states, "All formula marketed in the U.S. must meet the same nutrient specifications, which are set (by the FDA in 1980) at levels to fulfill the needs of infants." So why are we so worried about the brand? Well, it really doesn't matter what brand you are buying and consuming, because there can be issues and recalls that may arise while partaking in any product. Abbott voluntarily recalled certain Similac powder infant formulas because of the possibility of the presence of a small common beetle in the product in September. The FDA determined the formula poses no immediate health risk, but some infants could experience symptoms of gastrointestinal discomfort and refusal to eat as a result of irritated GI tracts.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
"Best Friend"
We usually try to get to church every Sunday, but there are a couple Sundays here and there that we don't make it. Everyone in the household was suppose to go together, but a couple of the people didn't go. I always feel better after Sunday school and church. It's like God gives us just enough peace and contentment for what we are gonna go through during the week ahead. I know that no matter what situation arises, I can get through it with God. God has blessed me and my family, so the least I can do is give credit to Him for being great!
Keep looking up,
Mommy Dearest
Friday, December 3, 2010
No more diaper rash worries
We recently found out that our daughter is highly allergic to several things, and she has insanely sensitive skin. Well, yesterday, she had a horrible diaper rash, AGAIN, so I used my favorite diaper rash cream, Boudreaux's Butt Paste. I don't usually just use it for the rash, because sometimes I want to prevent the rash in the first place. Boudreaux's Butt Paste is an amazing skin protectant, too. Another thing about this stuff is that it goes on and cleans off real easily. It's not like super chalky nor is it like that other pasty stuff that you have to use paint remover to get off....good point, right? Plus, they make it in several different sizes that will please anyone and everyone. And, yes, they have travel sizes, so you can stick it in the diaper bag, or you could do what I do and just take the whole tube, because it has the cool flip top cap.
Well, I will give you additional information about Boudreaux's, but before I do, click on the link and get a sample for yourself. I am very practical person and parent, so trust me when I tell you that I am not the only person that thinks this stuff is awesome. It was also talked about on Oprah, the Tonight Show, the Today Show, and mentioned in articles in the famous People Magazine. And what kind of parent wouldn't want to use something that was created by a Pharmacist (with the direction of a respected pediatrician) and it is recommended by Pediatricians. Boudreaux's is made with 16% zinc oxide and peruvian balsam to provide soothing relief for irritated skin.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Enjoying the left-over turkey, or not
On another note, I started to wrap the Christmas presents today that I bought on Black Friday! I love wrapping presents, but our daughter also likes to dance on the paper, so it took me longer than I thought it would. By the way, I don't think I have ever seen worse "Sales" for Black Friday. The only reason we actually went this year was because it is a tradition for my best friend and I. We always to go Kohl's, then Target, and then to Victoria Secret in the mall. It was fun, but I was just a little disappointed. I still have a couple things to get for my best friend, nephew, and my Mr. Wonderful.
Turkey Day, Black Friday, and the flu! Whooohooo! It is really amazing what we put ourselves through for a "sale." I am more into it for family and the tradition. Those two things are so important to me. Keep those things close, and never let 'em go!
Mommy Dearest
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Well, on another note, we ended up having to cancel all of our plans with family, which by the way, I was completely bummed about, but I couldn't get up except to go to the bathroom. That was definitely no fun for anyone. And to make things worse, that was one of my favorite holidays out of the year. My Grandparents were here in town, so we usually all get together at my Aunt and Uncle's house. It is also one of the handful of times that I get to see my family all together, so it is special. To top off our Thanksgiving, we were also planning on getting to see our brother today as well, but found out that the rest of the family had the same stomach bug as Zoi and me. We also came to find that our brother is in ICU with a chemically induced coma, which all started with strep throat; and somehow got into his bloodstream. Needless to say, it did NOT feel at all like a holiday, but I still had everyone in the household sit together in the living room, and mention aloud 5 things that they are thankful for.
Mommy Dearest
Never fails, when you finally realize that you don't have life by the horns, life rams you with them, just to give you that completely unwanted and unneeded confirmation! What's up with that?
Sunday, November 21, 2010
The Celestial Seasonings Factory Adventure
Brings new meaning to dressing up for tea |
Family picture in the tea garden... awww right? |
Mommy Dearest,
Friday, November 19, 2010
The Brazil Butt Lift
I know a lot of you might be skeptical, so if you want to get additional information, I recommend that you go to the Extreme Fitness Results blog and read tons of free reviews on the Brazil Butt Lift. There is not very many natural and healthy ways to lose weight and get fit, so I lucked out finding this one! Natural and effective!!! Please go check it our for yourselves, and evaluate the Brazil Butt Lift for yourself. It is always good to read up on any new product, so that you can form an opinion for yourself.
Now, personally, I need an option that is for beginners, so there is also program called Slim in 6. This is a 6 week slim down program that is super easy. This "Slim in 6" workout is perfect for anyone that has been out of the workout game for a while. It is the perfect way to get in shape for beginners, like me! My suggestion is to start with this program, because if you start with something that is to rough on your body, you can hurt yourself. So, be careful and check it all out!! Like I mentioned above, if you have questions about any of this, just click on the highlighted words above, and it will take you directly to the website!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Going Backwards
One of the "good times" that gets me through times like "this time" |
Do you all ever feel as though being a parent is the hardest and most emotionally trying thing that you will ever do in your life. I see people, and have met people, that make parenting look like it is the easiest thing in the world. And, magically, they have perfect kids, too! Why is that anyway? Whatever, I am just taking one minute at a time. I love my children so much, and there is no exceptions or buts about it. Life is hard, but how we handle each situation will make or break who we are and who we will become. I have so much more room for improvements, and I still have so much to learn! Why hasn't someone written a guide (not a gimmick) for us Moms yet?
Mommy Dearest
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Bye Bye Papa
On another note, we were suppose to get to see my Dad today for dinner, but he was busy. That is the usual for him, though. My Dad works in law enforcement, and he is always busy. I miss him a lot. Sometimes, I have anxiety attacks when I hear about an officer getting shot on the news, because I would never know if it was my Dad, unless I got a call from the hospital or something. My relationship with him is okay, but I want it to be awesome. I have always been a Daddy's girl at heart, and it means a lot to me to have family close.
My husband and I are a very, extremely family oriented couple. Trying to spend time with our families can be a little crazy. It is hard to be able to have the other members of our family to be that same way as well; something usually comes up to where we do not get to see them. Although I do feel as though if you actually want to spend time with your family, you will make the time; even if it means only seeing them for a few minutes. We will just simply be showing our children what we want them to learn by being an example. At the end of the day, if you don't have your family, then you don't have anyone. That is what we want our children to learn. We will always be there for our children, no matter what.
Friends may come and go, but family is (supposed to be) forever.
With Love,
Mommy Dearest
PS I miss Mom...
Monday, November 15, 2010
Love Love Love
My husband and I are so excited about spending time with the kids this weekend, because it is his weekend off. We are going to drive up to Boulder, pending the weather, and go to the Celestial Seasonings factory. I think it will be a great lesson to the kids about being "green" and always being resourceful. Also, I am going to buy a bunch of my favorite tea. That way, I can enjoy them all year!
I am so thankful for all of my little family. No matter what I happens any day, my husband and kids have always been there for me. We will always stick together.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Going to the dentist
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Finding Happiness in Sad Times
Thank you all for your support,
Mommy Dearest
Sunday, November 7, 2010
My husband got us back as soon as he could. When we arrived, I went straight to yelling for the girls. I found them and they were in shock. How can you explain to a high school child that everything that they own and all of the materialistic memorabilia that holds any kind of memory, is burning and they will never see again. That is the first thing they said.
I told them, this evening, that God gave us special places in our minds that hold those thoughts of the memories and the feelings are held in our heart. God doesn't want us to only have things that are materialistic that hold meaning. Otherwise, He wouldn't have made us the way He did. I also gave them the invitation to my closet, which I know they will be raiding tomorrow. It is a good feeling to know that I am needed by other people, besides my family. But even with my little family, I have my hands full. I am so thankful that God is able to use me, even in the worst of situations. I really feel as though He put the words into my mouth, so that I could at least give a little bit of comfort during such an uncomfortable time.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
So Much Fun
Well, I am so thankful that we just had an amazing day with the kids and as a family! The kids were on their best behavior most of the day, until they got hungry. Always make sure you have extra snacks packed in car or purse!
Mommy Dearest
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Applying to make money for Mommy
No matter what we rant about, we are all in this blogging world together, and I think it is pretty fun and cool. I enjoy trying to write and pull old creativity from the back of my mind. Every time I sit down to blog, I get to use my imagination, and that is good for everyone in this world. If you have kids, using your imagination allows you to be able to interact with them even more on their level, and actually understand exactly what is going through their sweet little minds.
Oh, and I like with recipe blogs, but they are very unoriginal. Unless they are personal recipes. It is cool though, because it does give me a couple of new dinner ideas, but I usually just look on the internet.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Operation Christmas Child
I am not so sure how this house thing is going to turn out anymore. We were told today that the bank wouldn't except the offer without the offer-price being raised. So, we did. Now, I feel really dumb, unless of course, we get the house. Why is it that you ask for an inch as an adult, but you have to give a frickin mile?!!!!! We may have raised the price so that we can get a couple major things done on the house before we move in, but we can't give our kids a bath until we fix a few huge things before we move in! What in the world! Welcome to the world of home ownership, right?
Monday, November 1, 2010
What A Day!
I start heading to the Target closer to my house with my daughter, and I get into a fender bender!!! The frickin perp drove away, so I didn't get a license plate number or anything! Luckily, they just chipped the paint on our bumper. I was so flustered at this point.
That was not my full day though, so just keep reading. I decided to not get the diapers I needed at that Target after my experience, so I went to the Target closer to where we live. I saw in the ad that they had the diapers on sale for $29.99 per jumbo pack, but you had to buy two packs, and you get a free $10 gift card. I thought to myself that it was a good deal, because I also had my coupons. I found the diapers that I needed on an end cap with the free $10 gift card sign and sale price. I get up to the check out, and I notice the diapers ring up at $35.99 per box...not what I was expecting. After the day I had, I just wanted the sale price. The manager says that all they can do is take off $10 from my total, but I don't get the gift card. I took it! I was tired and sick of Target.
Some people say that Wal-Mart is horrible, but they save me the MOST money and emotional stress. They never promise me what they can't give. Wow, what a day! I ended up getting our kids one costume each for dress-up at 50% off, but you can guarantee that I will be calling the corporate number tomorrow.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Happy Halloween
Awesomeness! I like my life a lot, but I will definitely love it once we are living in our house (mainly because I won't have to live without the "finer" things in life with my husband). Why do so many people take that for granted. Whatever, it's not Thanksgiving for some of you out there, so I won't get into it, but I am thankful for "that" any time, and all the time!
Mommy Dearest
Friday, October 29, 2010
Another Day As A Stay At Home Mommy

So, I was listening to the radio this evening, and they just happened to be talking about how stay-at-home Moms should be given way more recognition than they actually receive....I agree. Did you know that some people think it is so easy to stay at home with the kids, and that we don't actually do anything. Well, maybe we shouldn't, ya know???? Then, just take pictures and leave them on our blog. At least I think it would be hilarious, but I could never do that to my husband, because he actually knows how difficult it is and thanks me daily for doing it! He's had a taste of what it's like, because I used to work nights. He even thanked me THEN! How fortunate am I? I am so thankful for my husband. That's pretty much all I have to say after my day today.
Good Night,
Mommy Dearest
Our Adventure Today
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Day with the kids
For all of you other Stay At Home Moms out there, I had a HORRIBLE day today with my son, and my "friend's" dog, and my "friend", and her frickin toilet paper rolls, and my cat, so I am a little pissy tonight. I am just ready to go to bed and not wake up. But we all know that we have to, because who else will take care of EVERYTHING, right?
Better Hope for Tomorrow,
Mommy Dearest
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Why Not?!?
By the way, "ZOIZILLA" is our daughter's nickname, so don't even try to steal it, people!
But, my life isn't a bowl of cherries you know, because while we were at the T-Mobile store, Zoi saw a PSP and started looking for her big brother! And yes, this is one of the few days of the week that we don't have Konnar, and it totally SUCKS! She kept saying Bubba, Bubba. It was so cute and so very sad all at the same time!
Yep, Still Mommy Dearest!!
xxxxx (I'm feeling generous today)
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Warmest Regards,
Mommy Dearest
(P. S. Now, it's been a hard day emotionally, obviously, so I'm gonna go to the freezer to "chill out".)
Monday, October 25, 2010
Day Dreaming
Sunday, October 24, 2010
The Tea Factory
Another thing that I really enjoy about the company is that they are local for me, as well as they are taking part in the global "green" movement! Their tea bags don't have the strings and paper attached to it, which is really smart for the environment. Plus, my kids can 't just take it out of my cup and destroy the tea bag all over the carpet as easily...long story. It just doesn't look like tea when it's on the floor, and you don't see the bag. The only downside to drinking tea is that I don't get a pick-me-up, that I could really use about 10 different times in my day! I have been struggling from chronic fatigue for about 8 months now, and I can't seem to get anything to help me lately. But, that is all for another blog. Go pick up some of the yummy tea and try it yourself, and I will go tour the factory! The tour is free, but we will just pay for the gas to get there.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Fun Time with Family
Mommy Dearest!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
The Cutest Thing
I have a saver tip for all of you that don't already implement! I saved another $20 at the grocery store yesterday, and my bill only ended up being just under $40! Don't forget to clip your Sunday paper coupons every week before you go to the store. If you don't already get the Sunday paper, it only costs about $3.50 a month!!! Great deal! It pays for itself with all the savings you can get each time you go to the store. The kids were also so good at the store, so I decided to get them each a little toy. See how awesome! They love cars, and I love how inexpensive they are and saving money.
Mommy Dearest
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Making Money Online
Monday, October 18, 2010
Lots of Calls and Sacrifices to Make
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Life with only seeing one child 50% of the time
Heartfelt Regards,
Mommy Dearest
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Free Day at the Convention Center
So, one thing that I have learned is to check out the websites for major event centers and news stations in your area. Usually, there is an Event tab on the websites and it will list all the things that are happening. Thank you to all of my fellow bloggers!!! You are all on my cool list!
Good Night and Sweet Dreams,
Mommy Dearest xx
Friday, October 15, 2010
Fun Day with the Kids after the Good News
So, now for the good news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We got our house! Even though we still have the grueling process of the inspection and all the repairs to go, I am so thankful to God for blessing us with just the right home. We have waited for so long for this moment, but I can definitely say that it was worth it! We are suppose to close in 33 days, so now the countdown begins. Now I have to pray in the workers to help with the demolition and repairs. Also, that God will allow for this company to hire me, so that I can still work from home. I really love this blogging thing, and I have to say that I never thought I would be a good stay at home mom, but I love every second of it!
Mommy Dearest
Thursday, October 14, 2010
A House
Mommy Dearest
xxx (Sorry, I still don't kiss strangers)
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
My day today
Please comment on more sites that you all know of so we can all share the wealth. Thanx =)
I haven't been able to blog for a few days, because my family had the flu. Everyone: get your flu shot!!! It felt like a near death experience. Absolutely horrible, I tell you! Please keep reading and following my blog! I added the new Cookie Lee Jewelry link over on the right side so that all of you fellow followers can get the perfect accessory for the lady in your life! I have been wearing this jewelry for years, and I love it. You are helping me make a little cash while making that lucky person feel really good.
Adventures in Colorado... on a Budget!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
My Blogging Journey
Day 1: I was told to go to this website to simply create a blog by making a FREE account.
Day 2: I found out that there is an insane amount of work to blogging, but once it gets started, it will be easier to maintain, but you have to blog EVERY single day at least once. I was given the sites that I needed and I visited them to figure out exactly how to make money. Most of what I found was that you need to have your blog open for at least 30 days and at least have 30 posts. Then, I am gonna go back to the sites at that time and sign up for a membership....which is free from what I know. A couple of the sites I found are:
Well, that is all I know about, but please add any new links to me in my chat box! Thanks for the blogtime! Oh, one quick thing....ALWAYS read all the "terms and conditions" when signing up for any website. It will save you rejection, hopefully. And a lot of trouble. Who needs more of that in their life, right?
Now, maybe all of this will turn out to be a big pile of poo, but let's just hope not, because I am so excited to blog my way to a little cash flow.
Sweet Dreams,
Mommy Dearest
xxx (those are hugs, and only hugs. sorry, i don't kiss strangers.)